
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tips For Planning a New Driveway

If it’s time to build a new driveway — it’s time to get to planning. Though it might seem like one of the easiest construction projects in your home, the wrong driveway can be a costly nuisance that you’ll constantly be maintaining for years to come, but if done right and by a professional, the right driveway will stand the test of time. So when it comes time to plan, here are a few tips to get you the driveway of your dreams:

Choose Your Shape, Slope, and Width
The first thing you’ll want to decide is how you want your new driveway to look. Beyond your shape preference, don’t forget to make sure it’s functional. Keep in mind the slope and width of your driveway too! The wrong slope or shape can cause damage so knowing what you are working with is vital. Too flat can create a drainage issue and too steep and you have a slippery surface. You can always add curves if needed but just be sure to plan for what works best. When it comes to picking a straight, curved or rounded driveway you want to think about the space available. A curved driveway is a nice touch but if you're short on property — stick to the straight and add some curb appeal.

Decide on Material
Your driveway options are pretty open but what suits best for your yard and lifestyle.  What kind of upkeep are you looking for and how much you are looking to spend. You can do a combination of material or stick to the classics — either way; you’ll want to do your research. By knowing your equipment options before planning you’ll be able to choose the best choice for your home and maintain it to the best of your ability.

Think Long Term
You want this to be a project that lasts so keep that in mind before making any decisions. If you are going to spend the money, spend it now and pick the most functional and favorable option so that you can enjoy your driveway for years to come. Think about your location, your future and your day to day wear and tear of the driveway and build accordingly.

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

5 Ways to Prep Your Yard For Fall

The bright light of summer is starting to dim, and the warm, crisp feel of fall is creeping its way in! So before the leaves begin to brown, it’s time to get your yard ready for fall. Though raking up leaves and closing the pool might seem like the only prep you need, many easy DIY tasks that can keep your yard spotless and safe all year round!  So here’s why you should add these five preps tips to your autumn to-do list.

1. Fertilize
The secret to getting the best lawn around is to fertilize! A good lawn is fertilized four times a year. If you are looking to be a little more low key about it, pick the fall as your fertilizing month. It will give the grass energy to multiple before the cold winter hits, leaving you with a fresh new lawn come spring.

2. Drain Hoses
Unless you don’t mind replacing them every summer, you should be in the habit of draining out your hose. If you don’t, you risk the chance of water freezing and splitting it open. Stretch them on a downhill or blow out any excess water before your wrap them away for the winter.

3. Keep Grass Short
What’s the secret to perfect spring grass — cutting it short before the winter; this will stop snow from molding, and large blades from smothering the rest when spring hits. So just this once, go short!

4. Snake Your Spouts
Leaves are going to start falling, and they often find their way into your gutters. A spout and gutter clog can cause a major problem down the line. A major clog can do damage to your lawn, gutters, and home so keep them clear by using your handy bathroom snake!

5. Prep For Snow

Though you might not want to hear it, it’s never too early to be prepared for snow! Check your property and make sure it’s clear of any summer lawn gear that could be a tripping hazard. Check for rocks, keep walkways clear and add markers to them so that they are easy to find and plow. Just remember, what might be visible now can be completely buried with just a few inches of that dusty white snow falls.

With over 50 years of experience, Roccie's Asphalt is the #1 paving contractor in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY.  With expertise in both residential and commercial, we can help with all your asphalt paving, repair, seal coating, and maintenance needs. Request an estimate or call us at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

DIY- Asphalt Crack Repair Tips

One of the beauties of asphalt is the easy maintenance that comes along with it. Though repaving is an option, many times a few little cracks can be an easy DIY fix that will leave you with a new and improved driveway. So if your asphalt is beginnings to show it’s age, here some DIY tips to give it a face lift:

Pay Attention to Size
Crack size is probably the first thing you’ll want to do before preparing to repair. The size of the crack will play a big part in what product you use; so before hitting the store check size and quantity of each crack. A smaller crack will just need crack filler while larger cracks might need to be filled with sand and repaired with a cold patch product.

Clean Up
Before you begin any crack repairs — you’ll need a clean slate. Sweep the driveway free of any leaves and debris.Remove any loose bits and weeds; if you notice there's a large quantity of weeds growing through the cracks, apply a weed killer too.

Pay Attention to The Weather
Asphalt repair is one DIY project that is weather permitted. To start a crack repair, you will need a dry, warm day — especially if it’s a significant repair.  Repairs will need time to set, especially if they are sealed, so try and keep your asphalt repairs to the spring/summer months.
Follow it up With a Seal
Sealing is a major part of driveway repair. Sealing will keep moisture out and solidify the bond between the existing asphalt and the patches. If you are feeling up to it, you can always reseal the who driveway, but just the filled in areas will do.

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Picking The Right Landscaping for Your New Driveway

Getting a freshly paved driveway is an excellent way to really spruce up your yard! But to boost up your yard appeal, you’ll want to make sure the landscaping compliments it. So if some unkempt grass surrounds your beautiful new driveway, here’s how to get your landscape design up to par:

Add Some Shrubs
One way to make your new driveway or walkway pop is to add a few low maintenance bushes. You want to make sure that you are choosing plants that grow low to the ground. Plants that are known to spread can grow outward and into your driveway causing more upkeep and more chances of them getting damaged by your car.

Think Colorful Flowers

Want to dress it up a bit more? Add some bright color flowers! Whether you add them along your walk way or in the front of the house, it will be a great way to brighten up your yard. Potted or planted, a nicely arranged garden can also add value to your home!
Light it Up
Beyond your beautiful greenery, why not shine some light on the new beautiful piece of work! You can add solar light along your driveway leading up to the house. They are easy to install and a great way to keep your driveway safely lit, and bonus — it will keep your yard free of intruders.
Keep it Simple
If you are looking to maintain the focus more on the driveway, you can add two focal plants at your front steps or just plant a single tree. It will highlight your path with out overpowering it. It’s also less gardening you’ll have to do along the way, and the right tree can even add shade and privacy to your home.

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.