
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

When to Seal Coat Your Driveway | Roccie's

Looking to keep your driveway as fresh and new as long as possible — well you’ll want to invest in a seal coat! Though it might seem like an unnecessary step, a seal coat is an important part of driveway upkeep and will help protect your driveway from the harsh natural elements. So here’s why you should be seal coating your driveway today.

The Benefits

It might seem like an unnecessary step but sealing your driveway is vital to its longevity. When you keep your driveway properly sealed, you are protecting it from its biggest enemy — water! When you add cooler climates and the weight of cars, an unsealed driveway will be riddled with unwanted cracks that will eventually require filling. To prevent as many cracks as possible, invest in a good sealer. Another reason to seal — it protects your driveway from sun damage, and oil spills make it easier to clean than a driveway that hasn’t been sealed.

When To Do It
Seal coating your driveway depends on the wear and tear, but generally, it’s between one to three years. Though if your asphalt driveway is new — you’ll want to wait at least six months before sealing. A new driveway requires curing time, and if it’s sealed too soon, it won’t harden properly costing you significant damage down the road. Don’t forget to check the weather either though — you’ll need at least 48 hours for your sealer to set to make sure the forecast shows clear skies!

When To Call an Expert
Though it’s an easy DIY thing — some driveways will require a little maintenance before sealing. If you are noticing an increase in cracks, chips or holes, don’t attempt to do the job yourself. All minor issues will have to be fixed before sealing, and it’s best you call a professional to do so. A little extra fix now will give your driveway and long and sturdy life.

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Here's What Happens to Asphalt During Seasonal Change

As the season changes, so do the effects of your asphalt. To keep your driveway in its best possible shape, and give it a fighting chance against the harsh natural elements, you’ll want to prepare, but before you do, you’ll need to know what you're up against!

Moisture No
Think of rain as your asphalt arch enemy. It can cause major setting issue and in some cases, wear it down over time. If your asphalt is cracked in any way, rain has a better chance of penetrating and causing major structural issues down the road. If you have a steep driveway, the rain can cause the liquid asphalt which is the bonding factor in the asphalt to we rained away. As this washes away, you’ll eventually be left with  just aggregate and rocks.

Temperature Check
The winter plays a significant part in the life and durability of your asphalt. Ever notice that potholes tend to appear more after a big winter storm? As temperatures drop, cracks are more likely to occur, and as rain or snow falls, the water seeps into these cracks. Once the water has made its way into the asphalt, it freezes and expands causing a bigger deeper issue, that can eventually become one big giant flat tire causing pothole. Though warm weather is best for setting a new driveway, extreme heat can still lead to cracks, and though water might not freeze, it can still seep in and result in erosion, air gaps, and possible corrosion and sagging.

Protect and Prevent
Though you can’t control mother nature, you can at least prepare for it! Prepping your asphalt and keeping it properly maintained will allow it to have a fighting chance. Seal coat it every few years, repair cracks when you first see them and when installing a new driveway, be sure to let it sit for a few days, and be sure to redo it on a rain-free weekend!

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Keeping Your Yard Safe This Fall

Fall yard clean up is almost here and as you make your to-do list, we have a few things you’ll want to add. Prepping your yard now and keeping it safe is vital and beyond, the leaf clean up, there are a few minor things you can do to make your winter and spring to-do list a bit shorter!

De Summarize
Now that autumn is here — it’s time to get your yard ready for the first leaf fall! As you begin to close your pool and put away your pool floats, don’t forget to keep your electrical equipment in a safe and kid-free area. Drain your garden hose thoroughly, and turn off your outdoor faucets too.

Keep it Leaf Free
One of the best ways to prevent falls and slips is to stay on top of fallen leaves. Whether you use a leaf blower or a traditional rake, you’ll want to keep your walkways and driveways free of leaves. Wet leaves on a path can turn into a slippery situation that might just leave someone on the floor, so avoid the major pile up, and get rid of them as they fall.

Prepare for the First Snow
To keep your spring maintenance low, you’ll want to prepare now for the first snowfall. While you are cleaning your gutters, make sure they aren’t draining on your driveway. If you haven’t already — edge your driveway to allow for snow and drain-off to have a place to go!

Seal Your Driveway 
Sealing your driveway is the best way to get years of use out of it! Just don’t forget to repair any holes or cracks prior. A driveway should be at least a year old before being sealed too. By adding a seal coat, you are ensuring that your driveway can withstand the temperature change and fight of it’s worst enemy moisture. If you are unsure on how to seal coat, an expert at Roccie’s can help!

Roccie's Asphalt provides driveway installation, repair, repaving, and resurfacing services to homeowners in Fairfield County CT and Westchester County NY. With more than 50 years of experience, don't trust anyone else with your asphalt paving needs. Call us today for a free quote at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What Do Masonry Workers Do?

An old and diverse position, masonry contractors can wear several hats. Whether it’s building a structure inside or out, masonry workers work with brick, stone, concrete and more and we can thank them for many of the structures we see today. So in honor of tradesmen day here are just some of the areas they specialize in:

Brick Mason
If it contains brick, a brick mason can build it. From backyard structures, to complete homes, they primarily work with brick and mortar which lends the opportunity to make just about anything! Not an easy task though; it takes skill to evenly lay each brick to create a stable and durable structure.

Stone Masons
Another specialty the requires thought out planning; stone masons work to build rustic structures such as walls, bridges, and pillars. The must carefully measure and cut stone while following a particular pattern. They also perform repair work on existing stone structures.

Tile Setters
Whether it’s marble or ceramic tiles you are looking for, a tile setter can do the job. Kitchen, bathroom walls or floor, an experienced tile setter will also be able to suggest the best tiles for your home decor. An experienced tile setter will create your design with a particular pattern and spacing in mind.

One of the more versatile materials to work with, real masonry workers can fabricate a wide variety of home structures. They can color and texture the concrete to get you your desired look. When it comes time to pour they must also make sure the foundations is leveled.

If you live in Fairfield County, CT or Westchester County, NY, look no further than Roccie's Paving for your masonry needs. With more than 50 years of experience and an A+ accreditation from the Better Business Bureau, we give you peace of mind knowing that your driveway is in good hands. Call us today for a free estimate at 888-88-ROCCIES.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Your Tennis Court Maintenance Check List

An at home tennis court can be a great way to keep active while increasing the value of your home, that’s if it’s properly maintained. No matter what time of year it is, your court should always be cleaned, checked and managed so that your investment doesn’t go to waste. So whether you have your tennis court or are looking to install one, here’s how to maintain it.

Regular Cleanings
Your tennis court is a significant investment, so you want to treat it that way. Regular cleanings can help prevent mold or mildew, especially on courts with shaded areas. A yearly cleaning can help to avoid growth and keep your court in the best shape possible.

Remove Unwanted Matter
Standing water, leaves and other foreign objects are a court no. Though rain water can act as a cleaner, the dirt and debris that comes with it can leave stains and abrasions. Leaves and pine cones can bring bugs, mold, mildew and unnecessary things too, so be sure to keep your court leaf and water free!

Prevent Damage
Besides the regular cleaning, you’ll also want to do everything you can to prevent damage. The wrong shoes alone can leave marks and scrapes to your freshly paved court. Avoiding allowing bike rides, roller blades or skateboards on the court and try not to drag anything on the surface.  

If carefully cleaned and maintained, your court won’t need to be resurfaced for years. If you do spot cracking our dipping, you’ll want to contact your professional and check about getting it resurfaced. A consultation will be all you need to ensure that your surface is in the best shape possible.

If you are in the Fairfield County Connecticut or Westchester County, New York, the experts at Roccies Asphalt can make that dream of your at-home sports venue come true. Get a quote or call today!  

Friday, September 1, 2017

Surface Drainage Issue and Solutions

Drainage issues can put a damper on your lawn. If you are noticing puddling, basement flooding, or dying plants — drainage problems could be to blame. To find the perfect drainage solution for your yard, you’ll need to know that exact issue you are facing. So to keep your lawn in top shape, here are the draining problems and solutions you need to look out for:

Surface Drainage

If you are noticing a problem with surface water, you’ll need to install a shallow french drainage or a curtain drain; this will help intercept water so that it’s channeled around the wet areas. You’ll want to install it directly uphill of the area that you are looking to dry. A deep drain is not required as they are commonly 1.5 to 2 feet across. To avoid root growth, use solid pipe in areas where trees and shrubs lie.

Downspouts no Place to Drain
If you are noticing that your downspout isn't draining anywhere and your plants are beginning to die, you have options. You can install corrugated drain tile which will aid in the water going from the downspout to the drain. Plastic tubes are also an option, or you can direct the drainage over a grassy swale and create a little water garden of your own with water loving plants.

Basement Moisture
If you live on a property that is sloped, and you are finding water flowing toward your foundation or unnecessary water in your basement, yard drainage can help. Grade your lawn away from the home and your neighbors. If the slope is too large and you feel this isn’t an option, you will want to look into getting a yard drainage system installed. A dry wall or french drain might be all you need to do the trick!

If you are having trouble finding a proper drainage solution, or need to repair a deteriorated driveway, call the experts at Roccie’s Asphalt and Paving. We are proud to be the number 1 paving contractor in Fairfield County Connecticut and Westchester County New York! Request an estimate today!